Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Beat the Boredom

The second post of the A to Z Blog challenge and the second thing that is about me.

I am not a very restless person, can get idle in the real sense if I wish to and do nothing. It happens on certain days like the first day of a long weekend or a holiday. I just tell myself, Girl, you need a break. So enjoy and sleep. But the moment of sleeping glory is difficult to sustain. So, I get back to doing this and that to beat the boredom. Following are the things that I do and enjoy doing:

a.   Clean my room: It is the most effective way of beating boredom. The room and the cupboard turns into a mess starting Monday and I end up cleaning and arranging the room on Saturday nights or Sunday afternoons. The best part of this activity is that I find the many things that I thought I must have lost or the clothes I forgot that they existed. So, it’s like a treasure hunt at times.

b.   Turn into a bookworm: I love reading and thus, have started keeping a separate amount reserved for buying them. I simply love reading romance and thrillers. So, mushy romances and thrilling chases are two types that you’ll definitely find in my book shelf. Oh yes, also the cooking books. More on this in my next post.

c.     Movies: I have always been an onscreen entertainment fanatic. Like watching movies and television serials and sitcoms. While going and watching a movie in a theatre is kind of restricted to a few chosen ones, watching them in my laptop has become a habit.

d.    Creativity: I paint and I knit. Two good things but not so regularly. I have a professional training in painting from one of the most reputed art academies in Kolkata and knitting is kind of a passion to make something new. I have now started taking these up regularly. Once a few good pieces are created, you can check them out at my Pinterest boards.

e.    Take a lazy stroll in the nearby supermarket: Yes I do this to beat my boredom. Whenever I am anxious or bored or I seek solidarity, I go to the supermarket, laze around and check out stuff that I wouldn’t need.

So, that’s me when it comes to Beating boredom! Hope you’ve like reading my post and will suggest other good ideas to beat the boredom.

I am linking this post to A to Z Challenge #Day 2 for the alphabet B.


  1. Those are good ways to beat the boredom.

  2. Hi there - I agree wholeheartedly with b. turn into a bookworm. I'm also doing the A - Z Challenge. So, good luck for the rest of April. :)

    1. Hey! Thank you for reading my post. Yes, books can beat boredom anytime anywhere, even at work. And best wishes to you too. :)

    2. Hey! Thank you for reading the post. Yes, books can beat boredom anytime anywhere, even at work. Looking forward to reading your posts. Happy A-Z Challenge and best wishes! :)

  3. I read a lot too, but with three kids at home, I don't get bored too often. :)
    Happy A-Z!

    1. Hello! Thank you for reading my post. Yes, kids are the best source of entertainment and they ensure you don't get bored even for a second. My nephew is a live example! Good luck with the challenge. Looking forward to reading your posts for the rest of the month. Best wishes to your family and you. :D

  4. b. c. d. e. are all good but that a. is a mammoth task for me... I so want to run away from that.. that also includes cleaning/arranging the wardrobe :(

    Tina from The Sunny Side of Life

    1. Tina! Cleaning the room or arranging the wardrobe is definitely a mammoth task and that is why I keep it for days when I know I have nothing else to do. :) Happy A-Z!

  5. Books, films/TV, crossword, Sudoku are some of my favourite boredom beaters.


Debjani Baidyaray